Thursday, 27 April 2017

San Fran Professional Development

I've been fortunate, as part of my well supported professional development journey, to have visited some innovative schools and attended some of the best conferences in N.Z and wider.  What I love is collaborating with others who have similar mindsets about rethinking the possibilities of education and are actioning future focused curriculum in their various school contexts.

This evening this journey continues as I'm taking off on a trip to San Francisco that already has me excited, is likely to affirm thinking and also challenge me.  I'm looking forward to sharing some of the insights and ideas that I'll be experiencing. I've been woking at Hobsonville Point Primary just short of 5 Years now and it's timely to make the opportunity to reflect and reenergise.  

I'm heading to San Francisco with Hobsonville Point Primary Principal, Daniel Birch and we will be sharing some of the school visits with Maurie Abraham, Hobsonville Point Secondary Principal.  The schools that have been chosen are all doing interesting things with their curriculum that align to our school vision and methodologies, all have come recommended by others.

We will be visiting:

Brightworks Academy:Tinkering School


Monte Vista

Nueva School

Some of the things I'm curious about are:

How interconnected curriculum is working?
What pathways are in place linking elementary, high school and beyond?
What skills, dispositions and habits are focused on beyond the traditional curriculum?

I'm sure I'll get sidetracked, I don't want to go in with blinkers on as so often with these visits the take-aways end up being something quite different.  I'm looking forward to sharing and blowing the dust off of this blog.  ðŸ˜ƒ